Dienstag, 20. Juli 2010

On the Border

Africans are coming! Africans are coming!

My friends, we shall shortly find ourselves at an historic moment in world history. Many of us already knew it was on the way and have been preparing for it for decades; others are only as yet awakening. The final confirmation that we are about to face this turmoil has come from an unusual source, however....

Phaedrus is not your typical TV viewer. As I observed once before on World Peace, television kills. It rots your brain as well as your body and your soul. But this blogger permits himself very limited exposure to the Joo Toob for certain very specific research purposes. It may have come to your recent attention that an event popularly known as the "Football World Cup" (that's soccer to you and me) has just been enacted on the green playing fields of the formerly great nation of South Africa. The mainstream NWO newsmedia have - not surprisingly - gone into a frenzy of blandishments over the country's hosting of this high profile tournament. They have showered the so-called "Rainbow Nation" (yeah, right) with compliments over its organization of what is undeniably one of the world's top sporting competitions.

CNN (Cable Newworldorder Network) - a long time conspicuous champion of the dark doings of the dark continent - went into virtual meltdown eulogizing every single aspect of the host nation's handling of this multinational event. Even before the competition was ever announced, the good folks at your favorite New World Order broadcasting station were rabidly keen to grasp every available opportunity to raise the profile of this hopeless basket-case nation of AIDS-ridden rapists and robbers and to try to portray its wretched, sickened, welfare-dependent black populus as every bit as worthy of a place in the world as you and I. Like as if some sort of revolutionary progress was being made there in countless laudable fields of endeavor! It became something of a joke within the Phaedrus household to take a stopwatch and see how long it took from turning on CNN to the very first mention of the word, "Africa" within whatever context. Mostly the word arose on the lips of CNN anchors within 90 seconds at most! And this is like at any hour of the day or night. On a handful of occasions my daughter would hit the switch and "Africa" was the very first word we heard!! How we laughed!!!!!!

Sometimes this fanatical focus on the Basket-Case Continent would be topical, as within CNN's comically crappy "African Voices" series; at other times it would feature in advertisments enticing investors to kiss their hard-earned goodbye with ropey - yet curiously somehow "respectable" - Nigerian banks; at other times still, in the hourly news bulletins where of course South African crime (bizarrely) seldom featured. But the word was being repeated incesently, over and over again, 24/7. Additionally, advertisement breaks would commence and finish with the slogan "Celebrate Africa's Humanity" to the accompaniment of some incipidly annoying jingle. There would also be the disturbingly frequent repetion of CNN's very own slogan, "Go Beyond Borders". The big question, in this blogger's mind, of course was, "WTF.....?????"

Clearly the only feasible purpose behind this relentless campaign to promote the Basket-Case-Continent in the eyes of the West is to prep us up for something. And it has to be something BIG for such a vast amount of time, money and effort to be poured into it. Realistically, it can only be MASS migration of Africans from Africa to the US and Europe - which will surely follow when the European Union, The African Union and the North American Union become a single entity. There can be no other explanation, dear friends. There really isn't any other feasible purpose. The NWO, through its mouthpieces like CNN and the BBC and all the Jewish-controlled newspapers and broadcasters, is ferociously engaged in creating in our minds the belief that Africans are every bit as valuable as contributors to building a better world as any other immigrants from less unfortunate lands. Indeed, they would have us believe, we could even learn a thing or two from these outstandingly-talented newcomers! We might well benefit, in fact, from adopting their culture and ways!!!!!!!!!!!!

CNN like the British equivalent network, BBC World, go out globally 24/7 and are seen in more places than you and I are ever likely to visit in several lifetimes. The messages repeated unendingly in CNN's programming will likely not be missed by those whose ears they fall upon. Consider the meaning of the CNN slogan, "Go Beyond Borders". These words have a different meaning to you and I to that which they have to your typical Africoid. Your typical Africoid will interpret these words as an exhortation to migrate; nothing more or less. I swear if these NWO bastards could somehow engineer a natural causeway between their precious Africa and the continental United States they would seize the opportunity to do so in a split second. In any case, it is clear that Africans, en masse, are coming to a place near you very soon. And in due course they'll outnumber you. They'll be generally harmless at first, but as the sense of entitlement and equality they've been brainwashed into believing by the Jews produces no practical results for them, they'll turn increasingly ugly towards their hosts.

The initially slow destruction of our cultural history and the wish on the part of the elites to crush it out of human memory is accelerating. It was once an insideous process and it began tentatively many years ago. Lately, however, it's sped up and become a juggernaut. There have been warnings from disparate sources which have been around for decades. Some of us were foolish enough to ignore or simply miss their significance at the time but we can afford the idle luxuries of ignorance and sloth no longer. There's a good example for you set out below. The words form part of an old song by the English singer-songwriter, Al Stewart. His most well-known record which you may remember was the 1977 hit, Year of the Cat. Stewart's lyrics are noteworthy for their exquisite phraseology; a masterfully rich writing style which would never find acceptance in today's music scene where everything produced has to be a bit dumb so as not to embarrassingly expose the chasm of intellectual ability between the European on the one hand and the African on the other. Study these lyrics carefully, friends. They are truer today than when they were penned over three decades ago. Forget about Spain; just substitute any border you like. These words echo themes that this blogger has covered before in previous essays concerning how our ruination has come about due to small, incremental changes over long periods of time. If the words from this song are not a prophesy and a warning from the past to the future, then what is?

On the Border by Al Stewart

The fishing boats go out across the evening water
Smuggling guns and arms across the Spanish border
The wind whips up the waves so loud
The ghost moon sails among the clouds
Turns the rifles into silver on the border

On my wall the colors of the maps are running
From Africa the winds they talk of changes coming
The torches flare up in the night
The hand that sets the farms alight
Has spread the word to those who're waiting on the border

In the village where I grew up
Nothing seems the same
Still you never see the change from day to day
No one notices the customs slip away

Late last night the rain was knocking at my window
I moved across the darkened room and in the lampglow
I thought I saw down in the street
The spirit of the century
Telling us that we're all standing on the border

In the islands where I grew up
Nothing seems the same
It's just the patterns that remain
An empty shell
There's a strangeness in the air you feel too well

The fishing boats go out across the evening water
Smuggling guns and arms across the Spanish border
The wind whips up the waves so loud
The ghost moon sails among the clouds
Turns the rifles into silver on the border

On the border
On the border
On the border